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Page edits since pinHeck Wiki was set up108
Average edits per page3.18
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View statistics
Views total
(Views to non-existing pages and special pages are not included)
Views per edit1,931.61
Most viewed pages
Main Page44,880
A/V Control Commands40,286
System Overview11,189
video(which folder, clip0, clip1, attributes, progressBar, priority)10,936
numbers(which number, number Type, number X, number Y, number value)8,466
writeEEPROM(which address, what value)8,171
pinHeck A/V Kernel 35,781
videoPage(whichPage, which folder, clip0, clip1, priority, vectorPage, vidCommand)4,905
readEEPROM(which address)4,832
playSFXQ(which channel, which folder, clip0, clip1, priority)4,392