My current system-building status

This is in regard to what portables I have available/will be available soon:

1) Sega Exodus (see below): A portable Genesis that runs off 4 AA’s and has a 3″ TFT active-matrix screen. Early January.

2) Atari 2600 “Vagabond 2000”: The finally complete version of the original Vagabond design. It’s going to have a really neat feature (that I hope works:) Early January

…and that’s pretty much it. I have been devoting 90% of my (work) time to finishing Port Washington, which as of January 1st, 2005 will have been in active production for 3 years! So please understand how I REALLY need to get it finished, requiring a slight break from my portable-building. Once I cut that particular albatross from my neck (fun literary reference for you there) I can get back to portables and other projects.

Remember, I’ve got an entire BOOK coming out in February regarding portable-building. It’s a step-by-step guide allowing you to make a portable NES, SNES, Atari 2600 or PSone. Even “nOObs” and non-electrical whizzes can use it! Expanded details and such coming soon, for now you can check it out and even pre-order the thing on Amazon.

You can also join the Forums for some fun portable-building action!

Cheap Radica Genesis Shown Who’s The Boss

Hey, have you seen those Radica Genesis things at Best Buy? It’s your typical cheap game thing… a bunch of Genesis games in a small little fake “Genesis” that takes 4 AA’s and plugs into your TV. Well, it was only $25 so I bought one and ripped it to shreds. Inside I found a circuit board with a cheapy ROM (read-only memory, the game) chip as well as a bunch of other circuitry.

“Wow!” I thought “This is pretty much a really small Genesis. It may be possible to hook up a cartridge connector…”

And guess what – it was! It took some “deductive wire checking” but I got it after a few hours.

(This wasn’t as hard to solder as it may look)

I don’t see why these companies don’t SPLURGE and put cartridge slots on these “TV games” things… though this slot cost me like $10 (new) so maybe that’s why, it’d increase the cost of the TV game thing significantly. The almighty dollar!

Naturally I’m going to make a portable Genesis now. I really like the Genesis, I played it a lot more than the SNES (sorry) In fact I recently hooked my Genesis back up in the living room! Some of you may remember that there WAS a portable Genesis released back in 1995 called the “Nomad”. Granted it was pretty cool but had a few drawbacks:

1) Took like 6 or 8 batteries and the battery pack stuck out the back (Jack!) This should only take 4.
2) Did NOT have an active-matrix TFT display screen (So it was a little blurry)
3) Did NOT have a really cool name like mine will. The Sega EXODUS!

Now, isn’t that cooler than “Nomad”? (And it’ll allow the “making of” story to have Photoshopped Charlton Heston gimmicks) Look for the Sega Exodus AND a new Atari in early January! (And of course they’ll be for sale)

Shock! Gasp! Actual PORT WASHINGTON trailer now online!

Believe it or not but I have now cut a trailer for my long belabored independent film Port Washington. This has been my “other” project (aside from the portables) for almost 3 years now. Though we filmed 80% of it in the summer of 2002 it’s taken a LONG time to get the post-production done (since it’s just me for editing, FX, sound, etc) That said, even with all this footage laying around I could never figure out how to make a trailer for the film.

However the other day while eating lunch at McDonald’s of all places I had an inspiration as to how to make the trailer. I assembled it that same afternoon and now it’s available for download. Check the Port Washington movie page for details!

iPowerWeb is such a nice web service!

You’ve probably heard of I Robot the iMac and I Heart Huckabees, but what about iPowerWeb?

Well, they’re my Internet Site Provider and they’re pretty cool! See, last week when this site got Slashdotted a whole mess of people checked my site out and it put quite a strain on it. Thankfully iPowerWeb was there to help keep the site on its feet (after a brief hiccup when it went down) allowing it to stay online and not become a “dot com” casuality.

So if you’re hankering for a spread to plunk down your website on, why not check them out?

In other news, the PS2p has been spoken for, so yeah, consider it sold. I’m not building anymore but as previously stated I do have a book coming out (see link below) that allows you to build you own portables, even if you don’t have access to fancy-schmancy CNC machines!

PS2p Arrives

It’s finally done – my Playstation 2 Portable!

Right-click to download really hi-res version of this

Yes, that’s right – a self-contained Lithium-Ion battery powered PS2 portable that takes all the original PS2 games and has built-in controls with a 5″ screen and stereo speakers. (And don’t worry – there’s a blue “power on” LED as well)

Last month I started working on this, realizing it would probably be the most complex unit I’ve made yet. And I was right, it took over a month to build! (It’s normally about 2 weeks) This is a one-of-a-kind unit, and due to the difficulty (and other pressing engagements) it’s the only one I’m going to build.

 For the whole story, including never-before-seen photos of the system’s guts (and my excessive use of hot glue) check out the PS2 Story pages!

Hey, guess what? I’ve written an entire BOOK about portables that allows you to assembly your very own! It’s coming out early next year, but in the meantime here’s a link to check out! Stay tuned for all the pulse-pounding details!

Breaking Report: New-style small PS2 found smashed to bits near home of Ben Heckendorn!

Dateline Wisconsin: A smashed-up PS2 case was found today near the home of Ben Heckendorn. Local authorities say it was probably thrown into a nearby recycling bin but fell out.

“The strange thing is that no game system guts were found inside” the local coroner was quoted as saying “Since we ruled the death of the PS2 as ‘questionable’ we of course ordered an autopsy and much to our surprise it was empty. Truly bizarre.”

Police are not willing to speculate on exactly what is going on but fuel was thrown on the proverbial rumor fire when a smashed-up Lithium-Ion battery case was also found near the scene.

“A gutted new-style PS2 case and a gutted battery case? I just don’t get it.” a prominent local detective felt he could admit on the record, “I’ve seen some strange stuff in my career but this takes the cake like a 4-year-old having a sugar rush on their birthday.”

We will try to stay on top of this story as it develops. Stay tuned!