Phoenix Prototype Completed

I got my LCD screen module in this morning and by this afternoon the prototype was completed!

I hate flashbulbs. Really I do.

To read about the guts of this thing hit the Phoenix Blog. The production model will look a little different from this, mostly the case will be all black, beveled and a little thinner, darker (I mean “richer”) wood grain and the paddle/volume knobs will be aluminum colored (not black)

This prototype unit has completed its mission – to determine if the screen and Atari will work – so now it’s for sale. Click here for details.

Updated Phoenix Info plus… a BLOG!

Is it just me or does a “BLOG” sound like something that would chase after people in a kid’s storybook? At any rate I’ve now started a blog (ARGH! RUN! TEAMWORK!) covering my exploits with the Phoenix project. On the same page is a “Current Specs and Design” section to keep tabs of what the Phoenix can do and how it looks.

To visit the new Phoenix page click here or find it in the Videogames menu. Keep in mind this blog will be updated more often than this main page, so if you’re curious what’s going on with the Phoenix day-to-day the info is there, not here. (Well, except for MAJOR announcements, like “Prototype works!” or “It’s ready for orders!”)

New and improved Atari 2600 Composite Video Mod!

Work on parts for my (hopefully) upcoming Phoenix portable has led me to create a new and improved Atari 2600 composite video mod. (This allows you to hook up an Atari to a modern audio/video TV input, rather than use a switch box or coaxial cable)

This replaces my old mod which was exactly that – old! The best part is – unlike the old mod – this one actually works with Sony Vega TV’s and 5″ PSone screens!

The “how-to” is in the book section (since it’s also meant the replace the mod found in my book) and you can visit it here. Even with your Atari chopped to bits and unshielded it’ll have clean picture (Take that RF interference!)

The continued Rise of the Phoenix…

This is starting to sound like a blog! Ok, I’ve cut the acrylic parts for the prototype VCSp Phoenix:

1) Front of the case. It has a fake wood grain layer over the buttons, and a fake brushed aluminum thing around the screen (They’re technically fake but look quite real)

2) This is the “control board” Right now it’s got the tact switches for the controls, the paddle dial and a audio amp (since the screen module is video only) A temporary volume control, speaker and battery to test it are shown. I considered having circuit boards made but I think I can just “point to point” solder the boards and be OK. This also lowers the overhead cost.

3) I’m pretty proud of this – The battery pack is (2) 3-cell pieces from Digi-key. These screws to a plate which then screws into the back of the control board, simplifying construction (The old VCSp’s had these bent prong things and were a pain) The power leads coming off the battery pack also go right to the control board and regulator(s).

4) Rear of the case. The final production model may have small holes in the back into which a screwdriver can be inserted to adjust color, tint, etc. (Although that stuff will likely be preset)

I’ve ordered the first screen module to try out in this portable. Everything hinges upon it. I designed this unit using the screen’s mechanical drawings so it SHOULD fit. The 2 caveats are a) powering the screen with 12 volts using a step-up switching regulator and b) will it accept the Atari video signal (Some screens don’t, though the ones that don’t all seem to be Sony in origin, such as Vegas or PSone screens). Still, fingers are crossed. If the screen works it’ll be awesome.

Assuming I get some parts from Digi-key and the screen this coming week the prototype should be done sometime next weekend, at which time this site will have an update. From there I will pursue molds (for the case) and other things required for a mass production. So keep those “emails of interest” coming, and check out the Phoenix page for more info on the unit itself and some FAQ’s.

Want me to make mass-produced Atari 2600 portables?

Man, second headline in a week using a question mark… weird… Anyway, I’ve got an idea to make a bunch of Atari 2600 portables, which would be a unit called the “Phoenix” (the name I’ve wanted to use for mass-produced VCSp’s for a long time now) It’s been almost 2 years since I’ve built any one unit in large quantities so it’s about time for some more!

Since some cost is involved to get started I’m looking for interest and input first. I’ve set up a page right here that displays the design and specs of this proposed portable. Take a look, then email me if you think this is of interest. I’ll use this to gauge if I should proceed or not – would probably be later this spring if I did.

If I did this, my goal would be 5 units a week – more than I’ve ever pumped out. That would be neat, eh?

Huh? An Atari 2600 / PS2 Combo Unit? WHY???

Ha! I bet you never thought I’d make THIS!

Yes, it's true.   

Yes, it’s a one-of-a-kind combo Atari 2600 and Playstation 2 system – a perfect conversation piece for your home entertainment center! Note the PS2 disc tray in the lower right corner of the vintage Atari case. The old silver switches control both the Atari and the PS2 (power on, disc eject etc)

Grand Theft Auto and Pac-Man… together at last!

As per usual I’ve prepared a “Making Of” page for this thing that also explains WHY I made it! (the real question on people’s minds!) Click here to check it out, and enjoy!

In other news I’m probably gonna take a short break from portables for a while… I’ve been working on them non-stop since last May and need a breather. Of course kits for my book will still be available, and I’ll update the site with tidbits as well.

And don’t worry – while I’m taking a break I’ll be hatching up NEW schemes and things!

N64 Portable (AKA the DS with bigger cartridges)

I finally broke down and ripped up my old N64. Over one month later…

Click for story and more pics!

…out comes this thing, with 5″ screen, stereo speakers and lots of battery power. For the full story (along with the obligatory “N64p -VS- Nintendo DS” article) click the above photo or right here.

As for selling it, this unit has already been spoken for. But maybe if I get emailed enough I would consider making a case kit… (You’d be on your own for stuffing it, though)

And don’t worry, I’ve got a few more tricks up my sleeve to show you soon, even if I am wearing a T-shirt! Stay tuned!