Welcome to the new Benheck.com Server!

If you are seeing this message then you have arrived at the new Benheck.com server. It’s a dedicated box that will allow forum members, fans and visitors to browse the site with greater speed and ease than ever.

We’re still working on the details, including some of the plug-ins and the forums. At this point you can now once again enjoy our ever-popular FORUMS, which are back online. So forum users, GET IN THERE!

Enjoy, and be sure to support our ads!


9 thoughts on “Welcome to the new Benheck.com Server!”

  1. Nice, I noticed that it loaded a lot faster than normal. However, I also notice that votes aren’t being counted, and I don’t see any comments, so you might need to fix the links or something.

  2. Wow, it’s so fast and shiny! Hopefully THIS setup won’t crap the bed when you post a new project.

    The domain name turns into the server’s IP address when you open the new page, you might want to fix that.

    Also, first post! 😀

  3. Yep, it’s faster than the old server, but I can’t get to the forums! Any idea why that’s happening? It just says “Sorry, but this board is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”

  4. yeah I know, it driving me crazy!!!! =P lol at least it is not as bad at the time it was down for a whole week.

  5. The forums haven’t been 100% set up yet. (Either the database is being updated, or Ben is still adding the tweaked backend and interface templates or something.) The forums will be back up soon enough.

    Idea: Some kind of PHP chat would be great. (That is, if Ben’s reading the comments…)

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