Three new portable systems could be coming in the near future!

Not one, not two, not four, but THREE portable systems are currently being developed by The Atari 2600 Portables Site! What could they be? Here are some hints:

One system has already been made portable by many other hobbyists.

The second system has already ‘portabilized’ by me once but is now being re-designed with a brand-new style!

The third is my personal Holy Grail of Portables, the device I’d most want to have portabilized above all others. The system closest to my heart, it would also be the most expensive and difficult portable unit I have ever built. But, if completed it would be, in my humble opinion, the most jaw-droppingly amazing homebuilt portable system since the Dawn of Mankind. Or at least really cool.

On top of all that I am still working on the batch of VCSp Rev 6’s. Also coming soon – my predictions for the Official Sony PSP (TM).

So stay tuned!