They’re not officially ‘For Sale’ yet!

I have received a number of emails from people wishing to be on a ‘pre-order’ list for Ataris. I have indeed put them on a list because I didn’t explicitly say I wouldn’t.

However, to avoid any problems, I request that any further people wishing to be listed for ‘pre-sale’ please wait until I have made a formal announcement. I should have explained that when I talked about the tentative pricing (below) but I didn’t and it’s my fault. The cheap Rev 3 unit isn’t even finished yet and I want to make sure it CAN be done for $300 before I start officially taking orders. I’m pretty sure it can, but I don’t want to disappoint a bunch of people if something goes wrong.

I hope this is fair and reasonable. When it is time to pre-order, I will post the news to, and it will spread through the internet so you will know about it. Or, simply check back here every couple weeks. I do update quite often.

Oh, and hopefully I will have an update for the Vagabond section soon. I’ve got the COOLEST idea! Something I’ve wanted to do all along, and now it might actually work!