Tag Archives: zune hd

Benheck.com Podcast Episode 63

We’re still here after 62 podcasts with #63! Granted we don’t always get them out as regular as we used to, but hey, they keep coming don’t they?

In this podcast we discuss the Zune HD versus iPod Touch, Zune Marketplace versus iTunes, Uncharted 2 and Jones’ foray into the amazing experience of Fallout 3. As always, enjoy! (Or not, your choice)

Listen to Benheck.com Podcast Episode 63


Addendum to podcast: Having beaten Uncharted 2 now I’d say it is worth the praise heaped upon it. While the variety of enemies remained lame throughout, the ingenuity and scope of the setpieces is amazing and puts all other action games to shame. Also the storytelling, motion capture and cutscene voice acting is top notch and I really cared about the outcome of the characters.

Ever see the under-appreciated Disney movie “Atlantis”? Well the second half of Uncharted 2 is basically like that movie but in the snow. (That’s meant as a compliment by the way) It’s a great game and one every PS3 owner should seek out. Sony may not have as many exclusives as it once did, but the ones they do have are excellent and more interesting – to me at least – than the exclusive titles seen on the Xbox.