Tag Archives: fox

Benheck.com Podcast Episode 122


It’s a Ben and Jones episode! In this episode we mostly discuss Disney, including:

  • The Fox takeover – how will this affect future films?
  • Jones’ take on Captain Marvel.
  • We try to think of what (if any) non-Disney movies come out this summer.
  • A discussion about superhero movies in general, including Ben’s impression of Suicide Squad.
  • Which ones of the 94,612 upcoming Disney live-action remakes we think will be successful.
  • Ben complains about “geezers with guns” and Hollywood refusing to let old things go.
  • And yes, we discuss The Last Jedi again.


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Benheck.com Podcast Episode 107


A new month, a new podcast! Topics include:

  • Jones saw Justice League SPOILER WARNING!
    • We also discuss Suicide Squad.
    • Do movie critics have a “Marvel Bias”?
    • Why aren’t people going to Justice League despite loving Wonder Woman?
    • How obvious are the reshoots?
  • Disney wants to buy Fox – we discuss!
    • Why do they want Fox?
    • Disney no longer has sub-brands that make R-rated adult fare.
    • Why Fox’s risk-taking is underappreciated.
    • Ben tries to explain Die Hard 5 (The One in Russia) to Jones.
  • Ben interrogates Jones about Tom Cruise Mummy Movie + Mission Impossible: Mustache Protocol
  • More gaming discussion! Jones hates Porgs!

Enjoy, and have a happy holiday season!

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