Scripts now available on movie page

Sifting around through files this evening, I had the notion to upload my independent film scripts to the “Movies” section of this site. You can now read the original text for “The Adventurous”, “Lizard of Death” and “Port Washington”. (My indies before those were done on this stuff I believe the ancients called “paper”…)

Gee, I wonder why there's 2 cameras mounted together?
A 2007 behind-the-scenes photo from one of our many movie concept tests that haven’t come to fruition.

They might be of interest to anyone who has seen my films and would like an idea of the writing process that went into them. Warning: none of them are done in the correct screenplay formatting, something I didn’t get into until after Port Washington. Also – like my modding projects – no incomplete or work-in-progress scripts are available. So in their place I threw on the above photo, to confuse and confound you all.

10 thoughts on “Scripts now available on movie page”

  1. Ben, what is that tower called in the “Port Washington” poster. Everytime I look at it, it reminds me of a car’s connecting rod. What is it and what is it called ??

  2. ben’s making another movie? awesome! i loved port washington and the adventurous, so i can’t wait!

    and mike, i think the tower in the port washington poster is the lighthouse they visit at the end of the movie

  3. Mike, I believe it’s called a Tie Rod. In a car.

    The tower is the Port Washington Marina lighthouse, which i have since noticed is visible from an airliner.


  4. I just watched “The Adventurous,” my first viewing of any of your films. Ben, you kick ass as an action hero.

  5. Hey Ben, I’m still available for your next movie 😉 I’ll bring the 1942 eggs, it’ll be a great time

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