Port Washington on 4-1-06

Work on the music has been going very well, right now it’s at about the 85% point. Because of this progress I’ve even had time to add incidental music through the movie, beyond the main sequences I originally had planned.

Thus I am putting a release date down now – Saturday April 1st, 2006. This is no April Fool’s joke, the movie will be done by then.

We’re still working on the details of the live premiere, but it will definitely be in central Wisconsin. Likely Madison or Richland Center, but also possible Wisconsin Dells. News will be posted as soon as we have it, and I’ll be updating this site a lot between now and then.

For those of you in cyber-space we’re also having a “Web Premiere” on the same date. Using a variety of hosts, I’ll offer free downloads of Port Washington in QuickTime format. Likely a 1 gig version, and a 540 meg iPod Video version. More details to come, so stick around!

In the meantime, check out the trailer!