We ramble more than usual this month! Topics include:
- No Man’s Sky / planet math
- We learn some new number types as we discuss the alleged number of No Man’s Sky planets.
- Why it would take insane amounts of server space to actually save all 18 quintillion possible planets & custom names.
- If Ben and Jones ran for president / vice president
- Pot.
- A long, boring, discussion about the age of candidates.
- Our proposed “Irony / Coincidence Mis-use Tax”
- More PS4 / PS4K Neo news
- Console market trying to become like cel phones
- Will it go down in history as a watershed “stupid” idea, like 32X, 5200 and Atari Jaguar?
- Movie stuff!
- Sony’s crappy early 90’s movies, like Hudson Hawk & Hook.
- Our idea for a crappy network comedy.
- Ben watches some movie remakes! Why are things called remakes when they aren’t.
- Jones saw Suicide Squad, and didn’t commit suicide like some reviewers did.
- Tom Cruise: The Last Movie Star / Samurai Who Will Fight a Mummy
- GI Joe AKA Live Action Team America
- Stranger Things, the Right Kind of Reboot
- A long, boring story about my noise-canceling headphones.
- What we didn’t like about Super 8.
- Why people like it more than all the remakes/reboots
- Emily Blunt & NBC Comedy Action Terrorist Fighters