Planning trip to ECCC in Chicago

Greetings, citizens of the internet! I am planning to attend the Emergency Chicagoland Commodore Convention, taking place September 26th.

You can check out their website here. I’m going to bring my Atari 800 laptop (before it goes out to the customer) so hopefully I won’t get beat up too badly. I’m sure it will be fun for computer geeks of all backgrounds.

So if you’re in the area why not check it later?

5 thoughts on “Planning trip to ECCC in Chicago”

  1. Hooray, I live less than an hour away :O

    Care to modify some of my 360 items while you’re in town? 😉

  2. Aww…when you said that I was hoping you meant a local community college near me. Damn. Oh well, have fun.

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