A/V Control Commands
These are the commands you call from the main game kernel to control the Propeller A/V. Most commands do not return a value unless noted.
playSFX(which channel, which folder, clip0, clip1, priority)
playSFXQ(which channel, which folder, clip0, clip1, priority)
stereoSFX(which channel, which folder, clip0, clip1, priority, left volume, right volume)
video(which folder, clip0, clip1, attributes, progressBar, priority)
videoQ(which folder, clip0, clip1, attributes, progressBar, priority)
videoControl(what command)
stopVideo(what state)
characterSprite(which number, sprite attribute, sprite X, sprite Y, sprite height, sprite value)
numbers(which number, number Type, number X, number Y, number value)
showProgressBar(which Graphic, bar brightness, x pos, y pos, length of bar, height of bar)
killTimer(which number)
AddScore(score amount)
SetScore(which player)
playMusic(clip0, clip1)
playMusicOnce(clip0, clip1)
volumeSFX(which channel, volume left, volume right)
fadeMusic(fade speed, fade target)
repeatMusic(what state)
EOBnumbers(whichNumber, number value)
sendHighScores(which score)
sendInitials(which player, which character)
value(x pos, y pos, the value)
text(x pis, y pos, the text string)
graphicsMode(do what, the modifier)
loadSprite(clip0, clip1, clip2, doLoad)
writeEEPROM(which address, what value)
readEEPROM(which address)
showValue(number value, flash time, score flag)