Pausing the presale list / Outsourcing VCSp Construction

Hello again! Well, with just a sidebar advertising prices I have snagged 50+ pre-orders for Ataris. Not bad, but I must ‘pause’ taking pre-orders for a while. I can’t build them terribly fast and I don’t want to disappoint people.

Production could be sped up quite a bit if I could get some custom PCB’s made. I have no experience making them nor the software to design them. If any Atari fans out there with the know-how to do such a thing would like to contact me about designing such a board, please do. There would be per-unit royalties involved, and I can fill you in on the specifics of what I need.

Also I have been toying with the idea of have other people build VCSp’s for me. Basically what I’d do is supply the person with a ‘how-to’ manual and some custom case parts, and they would be responsible to assemble the unit. People would order the units through me, and I would then ‘farm out’ the work to others. This would speed things up for the buyers, though it would involve the touchy issue of me giving out my construction details.

So, if anyone would like to help, and especially if anyone can help with PCB’s, please contact me using the EMAIL button above. Infrogrames will probably never make an actual new ‘Atari’ system, so it’s up to us!