Resin Phoenix Case Cast (Pretty much successfully)

Here it is:

It's ALIVE!!!!!
The paddle and volume knobs are still drying as of this photograph. Rest assured they are silver.

I’ve installed the screen, plates and the PCB as you can see but haven’t attached the back or an Atari yet (as I am out of Ataris right now – more coming!) There’s a resulting texture from an anomaly in the mold that actually looks really neat when painted flat black but for the other color schemes I think the case should be smooth. So I’ll probably be making another set of molds next week, and I’ll make a new proto case piece for it that will address some issues with this one (such as the walls being WAY thicker than they need to be!)

This way people can choose texture or non-texture as well as color. Having 2 sets of molds will also prolong their lives and allow me to make the cases faster. (As I think this standard style as shown will be 50% of the orders) There’s a few kinks here and there I need to tweak but the bottom line is it worked.

And since it worked that means the Phoenix Project 2005 is a FULL ON GO! (Yahoo!) At the moment I have enough parts to build 2 more right away (the first one was reserved) So if you’d like one and can get an Atari 2600 4-switch my way quickly, let me know! By the end of next week I should have the “official” ordering system set up as well.

Once I sell these first few I’ll have some capital to order tons of circuit boards, screens and all the other materials to really get the ball rolling!

First Resin Tests / Phoenix Blog to be Updated Daily

The Phoenix project is in its final critical stages… If all goes well then by this weekend I should be able to say “It is time” (just like Arnold) and start taking orders!

During these final stages the Phoenix Blog will be updated daily (or even more often) with the current progress.

Also I’m thinking about not limited myself to making 100 Phoenix but rather as many as people want. Over the years the request-to-sales ratio of portables has been at least 10 to 1, which in a business sense makes one wonder what is wrong with me! I did some estimates and I think I should be able to crank out 10 a week once I get going. Again this speed would depend on people trading in / finding the Atari(s) for me. And if a buyer took apart the Atari themselves and just sent me the motherboard that’d be even better! (And less for shipping) What do you, the reader, think?

To answer a FAQ I’ve been getting – the Phoenix will not be available in kit form. If you’d like to build your own portable then my book is the way to go.

Wow! Real live PCB’s! Plus some mold info!

The Phoenix is coming along pretty decently, I got my first custom-made PCB’s ever today! (They’re for the Phoenix of course). For more info on the status of things, check out the Phoenix blog (use link at left)

Or, if you just can’t wait, why not buy my book and build a custom portable of your own? (That’s always a good option for the “do-it-yourselfer!”

Preview the Phoenix site and check out the Custom Colors!

It’s at Most of the links lead to something but it’s not all filled in yet.

What IS filled in is the “Customize” page, where you can see all the color combinations I intend to have the Phoenix available in. Of course there’s the classic “black, brushed & wood grain” but now it’s joined by several other cool choices.

I’m casting the molds right now and will update the Phoenix blog about this later today. Remember, if you’re interested in getting a Phoenix see the link below in the April 3rd story.

Phoenix Prototype Completed

I got my LCD screen module in this morning and by this afternoon the prototype was completed!

I hate flashbulbs. Really I do.

To read about the guts of this thing hit the Phoenix Blog. The production model will look a little different from this, mostly the case will be all black, beveled and a little thinner, darker (I mean “richer”) wood grain and the paddle/volume knobs will be aluminum colored (not black)

This prototype unit has completed its mission – to determine if the screen and Atari will work – so now it’s for sale. Click here for details.

Updated Phoenix Info plus… a BLOG!

Is it just me or does a “BLOG” sound like something that would chase after people in a kid’s storybook? At any rate I’ve now started a blog (ARGH! RUN! TEAMWORK!) covering my exploits with the Phoenix project. On the same page is a “Current Specs and Design” section to keep tabs of what the Phoenix can do and how it looks.

To visit the new Phoenix page click here or find it in the Videogames menu. Keep in mind this blog will be updated more often than this main page, so if you’re curious what’s going on with the Phoenix day-to-day the info is there, not here. (Well, except for MAJOR announcements, like “Prototype works!” or “It’s ready for orders!”)