Solo: A Star Wars Story. We’ve seen it, time to discuss! We also talk Avengers: Infinity War, the God of War ending, and online movie spoilers.
Speaking of which, podcast contains MAJOR spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story, God of War and Avengers Infinity War. You have been WARned! (Be prepared!)
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This month’s episode includes:
What was the last good musical score in a movie?
Ben thinks it was Lord of the Rings . Jones think it’s every Hans Zimmer score. FIGHT!
Was Lion King secretly about Germany in the 1930’s?
Jones buys a Nintendo Switch !
What does Jones think of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ?
We make Jones taste a Switch cartridge LIVE ON AIR!
Do people use it in Docked or Portable mode?
Ben plays God of War 2018, the Greatest Videogame Ever Made?
Should Kratos be an equal-opportunity god killer?
We research if there’d actually be people in the Nordic area right after Kratos left Greece.
What the hell is BP “Before Present”?
MoviePass – The Future, or Flop?
How do they make money? DO they make money?
Have theaters been overbuilt?
Should movie ticket prices “scale” like hotel rooms do?
Bring Back Movie Intermissions!
If movies are going to be so damn long, at least think of our bladders!
More concession sales + better social experience.
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Or Episode 7 in binary. This month’s super-long episode includes:
Software as Service
The end of Windows and OS’s as we know them?
Who actually owns your cloud data?
Will cloud data ever perform as fast as local solutions?
Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds
Ben finally buys the game. We discuss the online phenomenon!
What about Fortnite ? Is it any good?
Why does Ben taste everything?
Jones wants to buy a Nintendo Switch
The totally real term, but why is it never used?
We discuss common distances in MEGAMETERS for no reason whatsoever.
Movie Chat!
Parker reviews Ready Player One .
Re-visiting The Last Jedi – now on home video!
Will super Star Wars fanboy Jones go see Han Solo: A Star Wars Story?
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The flash storage company we discuss during the episode:
This month’s topics include:
The beginning of the end for theaters? Netflix buying many films and releasing them on the small screen instead of theaters.
Could Charlize Theron take Gal Gadot in a fight?
Ben talks about his “artifact collection”.
Discussing Space Shuttles.
Microtransactions – have gamers had enough? Is it finally time for the base price of a game to rise?
Which company will “rip off the scab” and raise the price to $70?
How much Hamburger we each put into Hamburger Helper .
What would be used as currencies in a post apocalyptic world?
More inflation discussion (price of video games vs everything else)
Disney to dump EA as their videogame partner?
Is it really a bad thing for EA?
Ben explains his Kickstarter idea for Road House 2.
How to turn anything into a Cloverfield movie!
Images related to the podcast below:
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A chunk of the Berlin wall!
The meteor that hit Wisconsin and became a meteorite!
If you’re seeing this message through the domain then we’ve successfully transferred to our new server!
Welcome! will be undergoing a Server Migration over the next few days. Please excuse our mess!
The forums have been “snapshotted” as of 2-15-18 and their database already transferred to the new site. I want to keep them up as a lot of things still link there but I am going to consider them “classic” from this point forward, a new solution will be incoming.
This month’s fun topics include:
Microsoft making a MEGA-ACQUISITION? Possibly buying EA or Valve? We discuss!
What each of us would do with a billion dollars (AKA Why does Gabe Newell even need to sell?)
Why do gamers hate EA so much? Lootboxes? Let’s compare them to state lotteries!
What sort of revenue-driving DLC is appropriate? What sort of things have we bought before?
Anthem – EA”s answer to . But will anyone care by time it’s released?
Han Solo movie coming! Will it be any good?
Critical response to movies vs audience.
And finally, we discuss Lilo & Stitch for some reason.
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