Single Handed Controllers

Thanks everyone for the continued interest in these controllers! I do intend to build more in the near future, I just needed to take a break this summer (and by that I mean “only” work 1 full time job)

My goal is to resume selling them in September in time for the holiday season. A PS4 version may also be possible but the controller is a little harder to work it.

Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience! Podcast Episode 84


We’re back with a new episode of the Ben Heck Dot Com Podcast! Topics include:

  • Movie cliches, and movies that are shockingly realistic
  • Why Jones should buy an SSD for his PC
  • The rising value of NES/SNES/Neo Geo games – see this page for more information.
  • Why Ben doesn’t want to buy a new phone.
  • Lucy, Limitless, and how Robery De Niro is starting to resemble Ron Paul.
  • The deluge of HD remakes on next-gen consoles, instead of actual new next-gen games.
  • How to sleep on airplanes
  • Destiny Beta.


Subscribe to Podcast via iTunes Podcast Episode 83


We’re back with a new episode of the Ben Heck Dot Com Podcast!

Our main topic today is “Hollywood is Full of Conservatives”. No, we’re not talking about the cast of The Expendables Part 9, rather how everyone in Hollywood is afraid of change, totally scared of taking any risk, and ruining movies in general with endless reboots, remakes and sequels.

We also discuss how this can actively hurt a film, such as the delays affecting Star Wars Episode 7 as a result of relying too heavily on a 71-year-old Han Solo.

We also discuss our E3 reactions, though neither of us had much of a reaction. Enjoy!

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More about podcasts

I’m still working on this site and making improvements, thanks for your patience.

Did you know you can find every single one of our podcasts on this site? Click here, or use the drop-down MEDIA menu up at the top.

Some of the podcasts were done on video (thus, “video podcasts”) and I’ve embedded those on YouTube to save server space.
