Mass Production?

I’m taking a poll of sorts. What I’m wondering is if we had thousands of VCSp’s for sale, would there be enough demand to sell them all? I certainly don’t have thousands of pre-orders yet, but what if I could promise that every buyer could get a unit right away? The units would be smaller, more power efficient and probably cost less as well. Would that ‘open the floodgates’, so to speak?

Phoenix features / main changes from past units:

  • Most likely will run off 6 AA batteries rather than a rechargeable camcorder battery
  • Smaller than current units
  • Cartridge will slide down the back (a la Gameboy Advance)
  • Link ability for 2 player games
  • Sleeker styling & more rounded than past units

I’d really like to hear from all of you on this. Please send me an email (subject- ‘support’) and tell me what you think. Your support CAN make a difference. Include all the suggestions you wish! (Note: units running off cold fusion are not feasible – yet)

Don’t forget, you can have your name on the pre-order list for when things start shipping! Any pre-orders sent now will be for a future “Phoenix” unit.

Lastly, if you have a hard time deciding between a Phoenix and a Gameboy Advance, READ THIS!