Low-cost Atari VCSp Built!

Using a less expensive passive-matrix screen from Radio Shack, I have gotten the cost of a VCSp down to $200 (before tax and shipping). Now, that assumes you’re sending an Atari in as trade, but still. It’s the lowest cost yet and I think it’s an important milestone.

To see photos of this new unit, check out VCSp Models. For more info on the creation of it, view the Research & D page. I am also fishing for feedback on whether or not I should have 2 different VCSp models for sale. The choice would be a normal or high quality screen, with a price difference of $50. What do you think?

I am not taking orders yet, and I can’t put anyone on a pre-sale list at this time. Please give me a week or two so I can build another low-cost VCSp and get my techniques down. But it will be soon!