Recently I helped my friend Dave Campbell with a video for his cultural diversity class. It’s about an African bread called Injera!
If you’d like to watch it click here to download. Features cameos by myself, Jason Jones and Dale Nauertz!
Why am I even posting this? Because I can! Hahahahaha….
I’ve eaten at an Ethiopian restaurant and I came away with similar comments. The bread was fine but the stuff they put on it seemed, to me, mostly tasteless.
Awsome performances all around.
Fun Fact: Much like celebrities shlepping products on TV I endorsed this crap at the end of the video without ever having eaten it.
When will the soundtrack be available? 🙂
Wait a sec, the music is the end credits theme from the first Mummy movie isn’t it? Still awesome none the less though! Its the closest we will ever get to Port Washington 2!!!
Well sure… the Mummy took place in Africa, didn’t it?
I’m nothing if not thematically consistent!