Filming on Possumus Woman wraps

After getting the final shot of the movie, this completely candid photo was taken.

This last weekend we filmed the remaining bits of Possumus Man 2: Possumus Woman. Specifically a lot of fire effects and a few closing moments for the characters.

In a drastic turn from Port Washington, we shot this movie in 2 months and 3 weeks (having started on June 14th). For more final weekend photos and some “Possum Movie Facts”, check the rest of the article.

Release date to be announced soon. More than likely I won’t make a trailer due to time constraints, would rather just finish editing the movie.

The final bluescreen shot, using the still-intact “Bluescreen-P” from Port Washington.

Shortly after filming Dale’s final scene as the scheming resort owner.

The finale of the movie didn’t use as much gasoline as I expected so anything left promptly went into my tank. Has it come to this?

Click here for a wallpaper-sized version of this.

Possumus Man 2: Possumus Woman facts:

  • Fastest movie ever I ever filmed. 11 weeks, mostly on weekends, 17 “shooting events/days” total. Compare to:
  1. Possumus Man – 5 months one summer/fall, some bleed over into the next spring.
  2. Adventure! – 10 months, filming going from April into December.
  3. The Adventurous – 2 years of spotty filming and editing
  4. Lizard of Death – Recent modern record holder, 9 months total scripting/filming/editing.
  5. Port Washington – Most of it was filmed within 6 months in 2002, but several scenes didn’t get filmed for up to a year afterwards, and post production/music/effects pushed it back to a total of 4 years! Ug.
  • Projected movie length is 1 hour, 10 minutes. Would have liked it a bit longer, but we did it so fast I can’t complain.
  • As a personal goal, this movie has more gunfire than any of my previous films. That possum is REALLY tough to kill!
  • Final product will probably have no more than 30 special effects shot – less than any of my other movies except perhaps Lizard of Death if you don’t count the model shots. We shot stuff “for real” because it might take longer at the time but if it saves you hours/days of f’ing around with effects it’s worth it. “We’ll fix it in post” are the five most dangerous words while filming.
  • We started this movie with a “no pavement rule” – to keep it as woodsy as possible. We didn’t quite succeed but were pretty close.
  • Final budget: $807. This is mostly on-screen consumables, such as outfits, the possum costume, props, and feeding people from time to time.

Keep watching for release date details and more! As with my other movies this was made just for fun and thus will be a free download, including a 720p version!

9 thoughts on “Filming on Possumus Woman wraps”

  1. wow. that was really fast. it seemed like only yesterday (to me at least) that you announced this!

  2. Sweet that there’ll be a high def version (sweeter if I had a high def display to watch it on thou)

  3. Sweeeeeeeeeet! I can’t wait for the movie to be finished and out for the masses! Too bad I don’t have anything high-def…Hopefully there’ll be a version with resolution better than ipod video for download at least!
    BTW, when are you gonna get up the myriad of production pictures? It’d be nice to see some more behind the scenes material! 🙂

  4. ROCK ON!!! I can’t wait!!! Grats to Ben and all who had hand in on this project! I really look forward to seeing it! I had a blast carrying your clipboard around for a day and watching!


  5. I just realized something.

    It’s been 2 years since the “Echoes of the Past” trailer came out. Whatever happened to that project?

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