This is the aptly-named
section of my web site with stuff for you to download. Enjoy!
Rev 6 "Making Of" Video
Watch in sheer amazement as I build a VCSp! (QuickTime format, about
12 megs)
Revision 5 Plans
Files that can be used for the creation of parts to build a VCSp Rev 5! (WinZip format, about
1 meg)
Demo Video
The SNESp gets a work-out in this short yet effective tour-de-force! (QuickTime format, about
The "Portable
Crusader" Wallpaper!
A serial novel that never was, but should have been! Low
Res 800x600 (JPEG, about 154k) High
Res 1200x900 (JPEG, about 1.27 meg,
suitable for printing) Set you
wallpaper to "Stretch" and it should fit pretty good.
In Action Video!
See the PSp running in this video featuring clips from games. (QuickTime format, about
2.85 meg)
Very similar to the Rev 5 Wallpaper, but it's not a Rev 5, of course!
(JPEG, about 92k)
In A Cave Wallpaper
Jules Verne in his wildest dreams could not conjure up an image as
adventurous as this one!
(JPEG, about 328k)
Rev 5 Wallpaper
It looks like a painting so it'll stand up to the harshest hi-resolution
monitors. (I hope)
(JPEG, about 443k)
VCSp in action
A short video clip of the
Atari VCSp playing Solaris.
(QuickTime format, about 1.33
Beta Demonstration
As of this writing (12/13/00) the
Vagabond isn't finished yet, however, I hooked all the parts together and took a
video of it running off battery power. A good chance to see the guts of the
unit! Includes the as-usual boring explanation of what's what. (QuickTime
format, about 3.8
Totally Cool Win-Amp Skin!
If you like Atari and you like Win Amp, then stop whatever you are doing
and download this custom skin I made! (Win Amp
skin format, about 88 k, 40 k more than my Atari
800 had)
Easy to use! (I hope)
Download and save the file. It'll be
called ATARI.WSZ. Locate it on your computer using Windows Explorer and double
click it to update WinAmp.
To un-update (but why would you want to?) right click on
the Win Amp player, select "Skins", then choose "Base
Skin" or whatever skin you had before. Presto.