Category Archives: Video Games

Whoah! I added a clock! Oh, and a News Archive thingy…

See it up in the corner there? Pretty nifty, eh? Well, I thought so at least…

Oh yeah the news! To keep page loads easy only the last 10 or so updates will appear on the start page now. To access the rest just click on the links at the bottom of the page. As an added bonus I dug up and reformatted every news story and link dating back to December of 2000 (when I first left the original Geocities site and went to Classicgaming/Gamespy) If you’re curious about how my portables have evolved over the years this is the ideal time to bone up on the subject.

Sadly, the first 3 months of this site have been lost to the ravages of time / me not backing up enough, but oh well – I didn’t do a whole lot back then expect talk about “the Vagabond” which as we all know I didn’t actually finish until 4 years later.

In other non-ancient news I’m working on a Liquid Metal style Phoenix at the moment, should be interesting to say the least when it’s done. Look for photos of it later this week!

Forest Gold Phoenix Built

There’s a motion photo of it on the Phoenix page if you’d like to take a look. It’s kind of a hybrid between a Legend of Zelda cartridge and a Subaru Outback LL Bean Edition.

I still have some extra Atari 2600’s, so you can get a Phoenix without a trade for only $25 extra!

I found a line on some cheap Atari 2600’s

Which means for a limited time I can offer a Phoenix WITHOUT requiring a trade-in and for only $335!

If you’re interested head over to the Phoenix site and the ordering page – I’ve updated the non-trade prices/policies. Also, if you’ve seen an online store, know somebody, or have a large lot of Atari 2600 4-switches yourself, please let me know. I don’t always have time to find deals myself so if people can give me “heads ups” than it’s most appreciated. Keep in mind I can only use Atari 2600 4-switch models – thanks!

Check out a Red Oxide-1 Phoenix!

Wow, someone finally ordered a Phoenix that wasn’t black and chrome!

Doubles as Uno card

This is the Red Oxide-1 color schemed Phoenix. Pretty neat, eh? As more color schemes are built I’ll post those pictures as well, just wanted to share this with you all.

I’m attempting to locate some Atari 4-switch motherboards so I can make Phoenixes for people without trade-ins… I’ll try and keep a running total of how many extra boards I have on the Phoenix Site so persons without a trade can keep tabs on my supply.

Atari 2600 4-switch trade-in will be REQUIRED for Phoenix purchases

I’d like to make a LOT of Phoenixes, but if I have to go stomping around Madison or hit eBay to get an Atari for, even every other one I make (assuming 50% orders have a trade), it’s going to take a lot of my time and therefore reduce the number available to the public. I’ve spent entire afternoons running around looking for a single Atari to no avail, I don’t want that getting in the way of this project I’ve worked so long on.

I have therefore decided that an Atari 2600 4-Switch trade-in will be REQUIRED for Phoenix purchases. (Click the name or here to do an instant eBay search for one, it’s easy!)

Think of it this way – if I have to go find an Atari I’ll hit the same kind of places you can: eBay, used game stores, rummage sales, friends, parent’s garage. (I don’t have a magical hat I can pull them out of) You as the purchaser will only have to do this once, whereas I’d have to look 5-10 times a week. That just won’t work for me.

Hopefully this isn’t too much of a drag on people. But the good news is I’m mentioning it now because I plan to start taking orders TOMORROW (as in Tuesday the19th) So if you’d like a Phoenix, start digging up those Ataris! (Or use the above link to find one)

Oh, one more thing. If you have my book (or plan to buy it) you can use the techniques in Chapter 15 to hack your Atari into a 4″ square and just send me that. I’ll take $10 off the price and it’ll save you on shipping weight/size… Yippee!

Oh, bonus: Here’s a pic of textured-case Phoenix #0002 This is pretty much what the production models will look like (the volume knob might turn silver to balance the paddle)

New Phoenix Molds Quite Successful

More info/pics on the blog, suffice to say they’re much better than the first ones I cast and have a smooth texture (since I didn’t paint the original parts)

I’ll do the resin cast test tonight, which should go well. By tomorrow I will be notifying people on the “Phoenix Interest List” that IT IS TIME!