Category Archives: Articles

Interview with GamePro

Here’s another interview, since I guess my readers like knowing about them:

GamePro Interview

It includes the not-often-told connection my first portable had with me seeing “The Green Mile”. In future interview news, a spot on MTV’s Gametrailers is coming next week (probably Tuesday the 22nd) and a Spike TV segment for GameHead on June 8th. I’ll keep you posted.

Be sure to attend the Midwest Gaming Classic!

Every summer there’s a swell classic gaming expo here in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin called the Midwest Gaming Classic. Taking place on the weekend of June 9th and 10th, it has become quite the show and, in my opinion, surpasses the Classic Gaming Expo out west. Here’s a handy visual reference of the location:

The heart of the Midwest, as seen from space.

The show is a lot of fun with many great vendors, a museum, food area, demonstrations and – last year at least – cheap beer! As an added bonus I will be speaking and doing a panel at the show, so if for some strange reason you’d like to see me “live, in person, one night only!” here’s your chance.

If you’re anywhere remotely close and like videogames you should think about coming. Did I mention the loads of arcade machines and pinballs, all set to free play? Check out their site for more details, and we’ll see ya there!

How To Build Your Own PS360 Controller

Yes that’s right – no longer will a person need to send me an email asking for this mod, only to have it unanswered! For I have now written a How-To on the process:

Click here for the Engadget How-To Article

I documented the process while I was building the second one of these and now the juicy info can be yours! (Includes copious amounts of photographs and arrows pointing at things.) Again I would like to be able to build these for any and everyone who asks, but time will not allow.

Update on Site Update

Well we’re on the new server now and after erasing and reuploading WordPress it seems to be working again with the original database. I’m sure you wanted that much detail. Anyway, we’ll continue to make sure everything is up and running smoothly, but for now it seems OK.

Microsoft shows mercy to the competition with their Elite Xbox 360

(AKA an article to prove I’m not a total Xbox fanboy)

Last week Microsoft officially announced the upgraded Xbox 360 “Elite”. This is basically a souped up 360 with the following stuff added:

  • HDMI video output
  • 20 gig hard drive
  • The color black

All for the bargain price of $479. It does include an HDMI cable which is pretty nice – I am sick of people saying “you can buy one online for $15!” True, but for all the schmucks who get one in the store it’s at least $75. I could buy screws for 1/10th the price off McMaster Carr, but 9 times out of 10 I just go down to Ace. That said, it doesn’t include:

  • Built-in Wi-Fi
  • 65 nm process chips

One less bullet point, but a big deal. In this article that I’m writing to sluff out of doing other things on a Saturday morning, I’ll postulate on why I feel Microsoft is making a mistake with the Elite / pricing and what it could mean to the PS3 and Wii.

Continue reading Microsoft shows mercy to the competition with their Elite Xbox 360

Why Star Trek 11 should be a TV show and not a movie

Normally I don’t post things like this on my site, but I feel I must sound off about this. For about the past year Paramount Pictures has been trying to get an eleventh Star Trek movie off the ground. Heading things this time will be JJ Abrahms, who brought us Felicity, Lost, and directed Mission Impossible 3.

The gimmick is it’s a “Star Trek Academy” sort of idea, a “Kirk Begins” if you will. Now that’s all fine and dandy, but I can see several problems with this idea. Sure, I’m not limo-crusing executive, but it doesn’t take a brain scientist to see…

Continue reading Why Star Trek 11 should be a TV show and not a movie