Category Archives: Articles

Welcome to the new Server!

If you are seeing this message then you have arrived at the new server. It’s a dedicated box that will allow forum members, fans and visitors to browse the site with greater speed and ease than ever.

We’re still working on the details, including some of the plug-ins and the forums. At this point you can now once again enjoy our ever-popular FORUMS, which are back online. So forum users, GET IN THERE!

Enjoy, and be sure to support our ads!


Reuters story / interview

In case you were wondering why the server was so slow yesterday Reuters did a write up on me and as usual everything came to a standstill. I couldn’t even log in to talk about it! Please refrain from the usual “get a new server” commenting below, obviously I know this.
Anyway if you’d like to read it simply click here.

RE podcasts, we’re a week late, it’s because we plan to do a video podcast at the Midwest Gaming Classic. So we’ll see you all there tomorrow! ‘Cast should be up Monday.


Inside the Dualshock 3 controller

I’m building one of those PS3-controller-in-a-360-shell things again for a customer and this time we’re using the upcoming Dualshock 3.

Now if only they’d fix those lame sloped L2 and R2 buttons…

Since some of you may be interested I took the liberty of photographing the guts and documenting the differences between this and the older Sixaxis. Check it out below…

Continue reading Inside the Dualshock 3 controller

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Been going through my email today and noticed I tend to get the same few questions every time. Considering the new traffic from the X-Play appearence on G4, I figured this would be a great time for another “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions” post!

Q: I want to buy an Xbox 360 laptop! -or- Please send me detailed instructions via email!

A: I only build about 1 of these a year, and they’re expensive due to the large amount of labor – think decent used-car expensive. You can find How-To instructions on Engadget, or lots more information in general on our forums.

Q:  Can you make me a single-handed game controller?

A: Again, there is too much labor involved to build one for every request. However the official production model – which we talked about last fall – is forthcoming. PS2/PS3 versions first, Xbox 360 to follow. Click here to read our last update.

Q: Build me a PS360 controller!

A: Again there are instructions online. I charge far too much for this procedure, again because of time constraints. But if you’re willing to drop the cost of a PS3 to get a custom controller, by all means email me.

Q: You should make / are you working on a PS3 portable?

A: Yes. My upcoming projects are always at least hinted at, if you look closely at my stories and photos.

Q: Create an Xbox 360/PS3/Wii combo unit!

A: No.

In other news, I plan to attend the 2008 Midwest Gaming Classic. As far as I know I won’t be speaking there, but if you’d like anything signed or want to talk shop dig me up. Podcast co-host Jason Jones will probably be there as well, along with many of our forum members.

Ben’s Hack Pick of the Wii-k

Thanks to everyone who submitted hacks in the past week! I skimmed over them and picked Ryan Culy’s “Wii Controller for Single-Handed Use”:

The rebuilt Nunchuck

The basic idea is that you strap the nunchuck to one arm and press the analog stick against your leg to use it. The C and Z buttons are ported out and attached to the side of the main Wii-mote, thus making it the main controller but with nunchuck support. I picked this project because it has a good purpose and I’ve had lots of requests for something similar, and unfortunately haven’t gotten around to doing it myself. So this proves it can be done, way to go Ryan!

The C and Z buttons on the Wii-Mote

Additionaly I am impressed that he assembled the casing out of multiple layers of laser-cut acrylic – which shows patience and devotion – as well as a high tolerance for resin bond and super glue fumes.  Check out his full site below (click on “Wii Controller” under “Projects”)


I am adding a “Submit Cool Project” link to the right frame of this website – please use it for all future submissions. I shall try and pick one per week, time permitting. Thanks again and happy hacking!