Category Archives: Articles

Site Facelift & New Wallpaper!

Dashing, Debonair Desperado of Danger!

I was never completely happy with my old site design so I re-did it. The site now has a cleaner look and the navigation has changed. It now uses frames that load sub-menus for most selections, thereby not disturbing the contents of the main window until you are ready. Upon final selection of something, the content is displayed in this window. Some categories have been lumped into each other, such as “How To” and “Research & D” being under “Info”. Hopefully this is simpler for everyone, let me know what you think.

New wallpaper! A phantom blimp over London? An army of mechanized motor-men? Just a few stories from the serial novel that never was but still could be, “The Portable Crusader”. Now, adorn your desktop with the prototype cover of this exciting new foray into overwrought escapism! Your co-worker, wife, husband or friend-who-stops-by-constantly-to-use-your-CD-burner will be amazed, and at the same time impressed by the daring exploits depicted on your once-mundane computer screen! To get it, visit the Download section or click the photo above!

In other news, I’m glad everyone enjoyed the PSp so much! Now, if I just had more time to play it…

I need someone to help update this site!

I’ve been busy with other projects lately and I’ve let this site fall by the wayside. If anyone would like to come onboard and help me update it, please email me and let me know. It could become a place for all of you to display your own projects. Portable building is a hobby for me, one that has been put on the backburner as I develop my film project. However, I want this site to stay alive for people to enjoy. So, let me know!

January 25th, 2001

We’ve (sort of) got a new look! I thought the site’s home page needed to be updated somewhat to accommodate more for the ‘news’ aspect of things. Now, the news you need is right near the top! And check out those cool buttons to the right! I did them myself! (In my other life I’m a graphic artist you know) I think they look more professional than the old ones (and they load slightly faster as well).

I’ve created a new section “VCSp Models”. It discuss the current revisions of portables I’m working on. Revision 1 being the original VCSp, Rev 2 being the blue one I’m going to sell (see below), and Rev 3 being the next version, hopefully smaller, faster, cheaper. The super-entertaining story behind the first VCSp can be found there, as well as lots of details on the new models.

The Vagabond section is the same as before… I’m still working on it, but it has taken a backseat to (Not-so) Secret Project X, which is my plan to mass-produce VCSp’s. I think people will agree with my priorities on this one. The Vagabond will be cool, but it will only benefit me. If I can make lots of VCSp’s, that will benefit other Atari lovers. So for now that’s my main goal.

A word of clarification on the unit types. The Vagabond is a much smaller type of Atari portable. It has a bigger screen, however. Also, it uses the newer Atari 2600 Junior board inside. It runs off rechargeable batteries similar to a digital camera. It’s functioning but the casing is not finished yet.

‘VCSp’ refers to the original portable I built, and the newer ones that I am trying to mass-produce. These are easier to build since they aren’t as small and compact as the Vagabond.

Last update of 2000

The last update of the millennium, millennium, millennium!!!!!! It’s been interesting these past months, seeing the level of support for an Atari 2600 portable. For some odd reason I thought I was the only one left who cared about Atari! As we move into a new  millennium millennium millennium , I hope I can bring the Atari-loving community more treats… The Vagabond, perhaps an extra Atari unit I could sell on eBay, and future 3rd generation units. I think there’s a market for this stuff and I’m going to do my best to pursue it… People watch old movies. Why wouldn’t they want to play old videogames? At any rate, thank you all, and here’s to the future! (glug glug!)

December 19th, 2000 update

Ahem! Well, it seems I had a few missing picture on parts of my site. Guess it goes to show how you can double and triple check things and still miss stuff. I got them all back in, sorry about that. Those who notified me of the problem, thank you!

First news item of site

Well, we’re finally here! I’ve been working on this new site practically since the old one opened back in late September, and I hope it serves the Atari-loving public well. Here’s a run-down of what you will find and what I’ve been up to:

I am still working on my next Atari unit, the Vagabond, and I have a rather detailed “Story so far”. I write about a page a week regarding the Vagabond’s progress, so there is quite a bit of info there already for you to peruse, and much more will be coming! I can’t say exactly when it will be done (since I keep adding things and revising them) but probably January or February.

The “2600 VCSp” is the story of the original VCSp that I built. It’s pretty much the same as it was on the old site, a few changes, some new pictures… OH! And I spelled “Potentiometer” correctly this time. I received a good number of emails informing me of that mistake, but now I am atoned!

The new “How To” section has an item-by-item table of contents of how to do things to your Atari, such as get video off the board without those stupid RF switches, run it off batteries, wire around things, and the like. There is one section I am still working on, and that is how to chop an Atari 2600 Junior board down to as small as I have mine (for the Vagabond). That’s going to take a while for me to document, so I’ll have to log it as a Coming Attraction. Check out the Vagabond story for pictures of how small the board can get!

Oh, yes. I have created a new “Info Hub” section. It’s got various stuff in it, but most importantly, it’s got explanations, pictures and info on the machines I used to build the VCSp. A lot of you had questions on how I made the case for the Atari so I figured it would be a good topic.

There is a new “FAQ” section which will answer more broad topics, such burning questions as to whether or not my Ataris are for sale, what other systems I might want to work on next, and the like.

The “Downloads” section has a video file of the VCSp in action, a video regarding the components in the Vagabond, a neat Atari 2600-themed Win Amp skin and other things that will be added as time goes by.

So, have a look around and enjoy the new site!