Brace yourself for Movie Prediction Madness!

I feel I don’t blog enough these days so I’ve decided to do a new weekly feature called “Movie Prediction Madness”. At least for the summer months.

Every Thursday I will predict – with amazing accuracy – what new movie will open to #1 and which will bomb. You can then be amazed the subsequent Monday as to how accurate I was!

In other news, we’ll get back to the podcasts soon, trust me!

7 thoughts on “Brace yourself for Movie Prediction Madness!”

  1. What happened to the video game console predictions? They were amazing to read and mostly on the ball too.

  2. I think you and Jones should setup HSX accounts and then track your predictions and see who has the most cash, virtual that is, at the end of the year.

  3. Well I though that the 3D stuff was exaggerated and would end soon. After going to the theaters a bit recently, it is alarmingly clear that the end of 3D is nowhere in sight. (Maybe 3D TV’s are a reality after all??) Hollywood is putting out some embarrassing crap these days… Good luck with your predictions.

  4. Brutuz: “What happened to the video game console predictions? They were amazing to read and mostly on the ball too.

    He does them ever odd numbered year.

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