All posts by benheck

Atari VCSp Rev 5 Completed, More On The Way

The nagging kinks of the Rev 5 have all been worked out! Plus, after numerous requests, I have added a SECOND PLAYER JOYSTICK PORT! Yippee! This unit kicks major butt, head on over to Research & D to see the completed form!

ALSO! I am building SIX more of these things all at once. Three of the six have already been ‘claimed’, but the other 3 are not yet sold.

I have to get some more screens before I finish the other 3, which may take a week or so. For the moment, I am still having to buy them full price at Best Buy, so the ‘under $200’ goal hasn’t happened yet. Soon I hope.

So, for the remaining 3. In about a week, I will take requests to purchase them. Keep checking for announcements. I’m working to get this up to full steam ahead production, but until then I can only offer a few at a time. Thanks!

If you’d like to claim one before then, please make me an offer.

Completely Different-Looking Atari VCSp Revision 5 Prototype Constructed, Held Together By Rubber Bands

Fueled with enthusiasm after the very cool Rev 4, I built Rev 5, a completely redesigned VCSp. It’s just a prototype (hence the rubber bands) but it’s new, fresh and exciting, and I wanted to share it with the world!

Oh, and something else. There’s a very good chance that I can sell these Rev 5 units for well under $200 (with trade-in of a 2600). And that’s the same hi-res screen as the Rev 4. So keep your fingers crossed! I know I have been delaying the official ‘for sale’ status of these units, that’s because I want to have the best unit possible to sell, both in quality and price.

Surf the information superhighway over to the Research & D section to take a look at it. I’d really like your input on this new design, so I can gauge if it’s worth pursuing. Thanks!

The Atari VCSp’s Birthday!

It was one year ago this week that the original Atari VCSp was completed!

In honor of this momentous occasion, I am offering 2 pre-sales for anyone wishing to purchase a VCSp! That’s right, I am building 2 more units simultaneously and the first 2 people to email me with a definite YES will be able to purchase one! These units will be finished and ready to ship around April 9th.

The cost will be $270 with the trade-in of an old Atari, or $310 without. (These prices include shipping). These are the better, TFT Active Matrix kind. (See VCSp Models page, to right)

Ok! This is gonna be like a radio call-in contest more or less, so fire up your email and let ’em rip! I will accept requests starting at 1 PM on Monday, April the 2nd.

Good luck!

Low-cost Atari VCSp Built!

Using a less expensive passive-matrix screen from Radio Shack, I have gotten the cost of a VCSp down to $200 (before tax and shipping). Now, that assumes you’re sending an Atari in as trade, but still. It’s the lowest cost yet and I think it’s an important milestone.

To see photos of this new unit, check out VCSp Models. For more info on the creation of it, view the Research & D page. I am also fishing for feedback on whether or not I should have 2 different VCSp models for sale. The choice would be a normal or high quality screen, with a price difference of $50. What do you think?

I am not taking orders yet, and I can’t put anyone on a pre-sale list at this time. Please give me a week or two so I can build another low-cost VCSp and get my techniques down. But it will be soon!

I need someone to help update this site!

I’ve been busy with other projects lately and I’ve let this site fall by the wayside. If anyone would like to come onboard and help me update it, please email me and let me know. It could become a place for all of you to display your own projects. Portable building is a hobby for me, one that has been put on the backburner as I develop my film project. However, I want this site to stay alive for people to enjoy. So, let me know!

VCSp Rev 3 Completed!

Yahoo! I finished the Rev 3 today. The Rev 3 being the Atari portable that can be made quickly and sold for $300. (Note: I am not taking orders yet, give me a few weeks) Yes, it can be made for $300, no problem. I put a lot of thought into this one and it worked. And with the possibility of cheaper screens from Radio Shack, the price could go down even more.

Head on over to Research & D for pictures and all the news on the latest and greatest Rev 3!