All posts by benheck

Solid Oak VCSp Built! (Well, there’s some plastic in it)

(VISIT VCSp Special Edition page)

Just when you thought I’d stopped building portable Ataris! Here it is, the first wooden portable game system that I know of. Built on consignment, this unit is truly unique! I call it “VCSp Special Edition”

For more pictures, info and babblings on this device, click here or browse the “Models” tab on your left.

I am considering building (2) more of these oak-encrusted units. Any interested parties should email me their inquiries.

I like soda pop better anyway

During the next few days, I’m gonna remove all the Java stuff from this web site. Many Windows XP or Netscape 7 users have trouble seeing the link buttons on the left so this is an issue I must address!

If the Nav-Bar on the left is strange or odd, bear with me as I fix the system. In other news, thanks for all the input regarding the Dreamcast. So far, it would seem most people recommend only 1 VMU, no LCD screen and short battery life with a larger video screen. The controller port issue is widely debated, however… Maybe a super-cool DOCKING STATION is the answer… Who knows?

I also plan to write up an essay on the Ultimate Videogame Movie That Should Be Made soon, so stay tuned!

Ha ha! My predictions may come true!

This doesn’t really have to do with portables, well, actually it does, but I noticed something on Planet Nintendo today, and I quote:

“…The report adds that, as a result of several factors, one of which being that the threshold for any console is now in the area of 15-20 million systems, that Nintendo will most likely leave the console market.”

Ha ha! I called that one, almost a year ago! It’s kind of sad, though, even with the Gamecube apparently doing slightly better than the X Box.

Don’t worry, the portable Gamecube will kick butt. Now just wait for news of the E-Box…

More Atari 2600 Portable Units Planned

It’s been quite a while since I’ve built a portable system and I’ve kind of gotten the ‘itch’ again. No, I don’t need any special creams, I just need to design something!

There’s a material called Sintra which is fairly cheap, comes in 3/4″ thick sheets and can be routed faster than the Densetec stuff I had been using. An added bonus is that sheets of it do not warp as the Densetec did, thus allowing them to be held nice & flat onto the vacuum router table. (means LESS MESSED UP CASES). An added bonus is this material can be painted any color, as it will take paint well (again, something the Densetec could not)

SO! My tentative plan is to design a VCSp Revision 6!

The Rev 6 will be thinner than the Rev 5 (1.5″ instead of 2″), be smaller (possibly) and have the butterfly-shaped wings that the SNESp had, which makes it MUCH easier to hold and play. I am also bored of the same-old same-old “cross” joypad so I’m gonna think of something new for that, as well. The unit will be styled in the look of the late 1800’s, brass, steel & rivets, so picture a portable game system that Jules Verne might play and you’ve got the basic idea.

Not sure how many of these units I’ll build, probably around 10 of them. I will go off my pre-order list to find buyers, or, if any additional persons are interested, feel free to email me.

Thanks for your continued support! Now back to this movie! (don’t worry, there’s an Atari in it)

Yes, an update

Fear not! I still function. Just wanted to drop a line and let you all know I’m still kickin’. Here’s what’s been up:

Been working pretty constantly on my film, scripting & storyboarding January-February and filming since May. Going pretty good so far, though who will really know until it’s finally done! I don’t have a site going for it yet, but here are some pics. (Yes, it’s in widescreen)


I am actually thinking about attempting a portable GameCube (at the moment) although I still suspect the power consumption may be too high. Once this blasted movie is finished I’m sure I’ll want a change of pace so expect SOME sort of system out of me!

‘Til we meet again!

New Site Management

Hello there, portable fans! It’s me, Ben. I am bringing on some new people to help update the site so the content can be fresh as the morning breeze! I will try to add my 2 cents worth every now and then, and maybe even sneak some new systems in eventually!

In the meantime I will be working on my movie, so, I guess, wish me luck and stuff. Fear not, there WILL be an Atari in the film! If there’s anyone in the southern area of Wisconsin willing to help with that project, let me know!

So, the next update that comes down the pike will probably be from one of the new people. Stay tuned!