All posts by benheck

Contribute to “Maker Faire” edition Xbox 360 Slim

Pictured above is my new Xbox 360 Slim laptop in pieces. Why is it in pieces, you ask? Well, I’m taking it to finish assembling at Maker Faire New York this weekend.

But wait – there’s more! Right now it’s a plain gray color. Those of you with an artistic slant, you are encourage to stop by the element14 / Ben Heck Show booth and help decorate the unit before the final assembly! The call is open to visitors and vendors alike. Call it the “Maker Faire” edition.

For more details, visit and

Site Maintenance Tuesday / Wednesday is in the process of moving to a new server over the next few days. Please be aware that any WordPress comments made during this time may be lost.

On the plus side, we’re updating all of the PHP stuff so the forums especially will have more functionality as requested by our users. The cost savings achieved with the new server will also allow us to greatly reduce the number of advertisements on the site, such as the highlighted text ones (gone!)

Please bear with us during this time – once it’s complete an announcement will be made and then you can once again can post / forum to your heart’s content!

See me at Maker Faire New York

Steam powered snow cone maker, as seen at Maker Faire San Francisco

Be sure to visit my booth at the New York Maker Faire this coming weekend. There will be demonstrations of building the Xbox 360 laptop, as well as a main presentation. You could also have a chance of appearing on our show as we’ll be filming there as well.

Visit for more details!

Introducing The Ben Heck Show!

I’m finally able to talk about my next super secret project and you’re the first to hear! I have a new internet TV show called The Ben Heck Show, sponsored by element14 and the first episode will be available next Monday, 9/13.

I’ll be taking your requests for build ideas as well as working on one big project which you’ll soon find out about. has been kind enough to power my show with plenty of tools and components to get all of my builds off the ground, and I’ve been filming every step of the way.

Stay tuned to this space to learn how you can submit ideas for future builds through my upcoming community on launching 9/13 as well. You can register there to get a head start and I’ll let you know when my community page is live this coming Monday.