AMH Debug 4-9-14

We finished our episode project early, so I’ve got more time these last 2 days to code.

  • You can open a serial terminal and send commands to the pinHeck system. Improving command parser.
  • Felix is working on an Android tablet app that will allow remote debugging via Bluetooth. Will hopefully be able to have a small demo ready for MGC.
  • Did Bluetooth test – commands working. Need to make command system more verbose & garbage sensitive but good enough for now.
  • Still working on Match animation bug. Running through all animations to make sure it isn’t a file issue (NOTE-IT WAS)
  • FINALLY found match animation bug problem! My file system is fairly stripped down, can’t follow cluster chains for instance. Usually not an issue as we copy entire SD card at once. The folder containing the Match animations also has a lot of other stuff in there. As I added files, the total # of files in that folder went past 64. 64 filename @ 32 bytes per entry = 2048 which must be past a cluster limit for FAT32. Thus, my system got lost and couldn’t find files near the end. That was the only DMD folder with over 64 entries so probably why I haven’t run into this before.
  • Solution was to create a new folder (_DN) to hold the 10 match animations.
  • Added bubble sort to high score entry, so best score is entered first.
  • Added very conservative times to allow EEPROM to store high scores (EEPROM writes are slower than reads)
  • Improving timing for Prison Ghost mode start
  • Added Video Queue Kill on Prison Ghost ball locks to avoid lag video problem
  • Added “dead shot” sound when hitting already cleared Prison Ghost targets
  • Added more looping video prompts of how to beat Prison Ghost
  • Fixed glitch where a combo shot changing before collect would erase Tour Location Lights during modes
  • Found issue where multiball starting AND ending during stackable modes could cause wrong music to play.
  • Spirit Guide (Random Award) can be collected during some modes. Created “quickie” version of animation/sound for these occasions (mostly for flow, also because award would get cut off by other videos)