AMH Debug 4-20-14

All I’ve got for Easter Dinner is Spam. But I made a turkey sandwich.

  • Re-writing Loop Catch routine so it’s modular, faster, and works for any mode. This is when we want to catch a ball in the Ghost Loop and hold it with the targets.
  • Added “Speed Demon” bonus if you hit the loop so fast the magnet can’t catch it. Turns a deficiency into player compliment!
  • Considering turning off Ghost Motion unless you’re in a mode – so you have to “earn it
  • Testing magnet ball hold at 25% duty cycle. I’d rather the magnet stay cool, than catch every ball every time. Only a few modes catch the ball outright anyway.
  • Performing cycle testing on new Loop Ball Catch code – it either needs to catch the ball (preferred) or acknowledge it missed it.
  • Fixed glitch where targets wouldn’t make sounds on Minions #4 and up.