AMH Debug 4-19-14

Three day weekend? What’s that?

Weekends? Huh?

  • Improved ball launch timing when locking shots to start Demon Battle (the Wizard Mode)
  • Fixed Shot Randomizer so it won’t pick same shot twice (that wouldn’t make sense)
  • Tweaked move time to about 5 seconds per shot. You have to hit 6 moving shots to beat the demon. So it’s like the AFM Super Jackpot, times 6. Nobody ever said this game was going to be easy!
  • Need to implement correct FAIL condition for Wizard mode. If you fail out, it’s re-lit on next ball.
  • Improved strobe shot lighting for Demon Shots.
  • Improving cabinet color transition for Demon Mode
  • Making wizard mode really, REALLY difficult (if you can even get to it in the first place!)
  • Fixed demon mode so it fails properly. Guess I didn’t really fix it since I’m only just now testing it…