Continuing a time honored tradition of this site it's time to pit my VCSp Rev 7 against the fairly new Nintendo DS Lite. FIGHT! Category 1 - SIZE
In this manner the DS clobbers my Rev 7 hands-down. With an Atari you're stuck with large cartridges, while the DS uses ones barely larger than a camera's SD card. Oh well. Category 2 - TOUCH SCREEN The DS, not surprisingly, worked very well during the touch-screen tests...
However, try as I might, I could not get the same results from the Rev 7...
Category 3 - CAVE TEST We all know the single best way to test a console is to take it into a cave and see what happens. This latest round of comparison was no different.
With that taken care of I then whipped out my new VCSp Rev 7...
So we can see that both game systems work fine when used in caves. There are the results - take them as you will and judge as you may! As for me, it's back to the workbench to throw together the next project. Until then, happy modding! Return to Benheck.com
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